Ok, I'm assuming that you copied everything you need for the Site Logo from dynamicdrive.com and now you're ready to go! If you can't find the staticlogo.js (whichever one you got) from where you're absolutely sure you put it..lol, click *all files*.
See the little *Teddy Bear* image in the bottom right corner of this page? That's the logo on this page. You will need to make a transparent image in some graphics program, Paintshop Pro etc., or just use a little *picture*. If you choose to make a textimage make a *new* image with a solid color background, (keep it small), add some text to the image, any color other than the background, name your image and Save As: GIF-Compuserve__Version 89a-Interlaced. If you have an older version of Paintshop Pro, click *Options* on the *Save* window and make sure *Set the transparency value to the background color* is checked, click OK. There's your logo image. Like I said, you can use a little *picture* instead if you want to too!
The most important thing to remember here is that everything is run off of the external javascript. The one I used is the *staticlogo.js*, but the changes are the same on all the scripts so just follow along because that is where you'll make your changes. Just remember that if you have *staticlogo2.js*, for example that any reference to *staticlogo.js* below is the same. I'll describe the steps below.
You only need three (3) elements. (1)The *image* you made or a little *picture* (remember the width and height). (2)The code below placed in the body part of your html page (you can just add the code below to an existing page if you want), and (3) the *staticlogo.js* script. Only these three (3) items must be in your directory. here's the script to put in the *body* portion of your html page if you forgot to get it from dynamicdrive.com!
<script src="http://yourdirectory/staticlogo.js"> ///change this to your site address, e.g., <https://members.tripod.com/~lionsgate/staticlogo.js"> and then delete this reminder///
/*Site Logo Script (Geocities Watermark)
Last updated: Dec 14, 1998
© Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)
For full source code, installation instructions,
100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms Of
Use, visit dynamicdrive.com*
OK, lets assume you have coped the above short script and placed it on your html page and that you have the image or picture you want to use ready to go. All you have left to do now is make your changes in the *staticlogo.js* page. If you're using an html editor, make your changes as described below in the six (6) steps and save as: Java Source Files (java,.js) using the same name. *staticlogo.js* (or whichever name you chose). If you're using a text editor (wordpad eg.), make your changes as described below and making sure the name remains the same *staticlogo.js* ..make sure the .js is there, save it as a *text document* (not .doc or word 6 etc.). Here's where you'll make the changes in the *staticlogo.js*! NOT on here...on the *staticlogo.js* page you got from dynamicdrive!!!
// 1) substitute 120 and 50 with the width and height of your logo image or picture, respectively
if (document.images)
var staticlogo=new Image(120,50) ///put your own image or picture width and height in here///
// 2) change the image path to reflect the path of your logo image
staticlogo.src="https://members.tripod.com/~lionsgate/logo1.gif" /// change this to where your own image is to be found. use the full path because it may not work on Netscape otherwise.///
// 3) Change url below to the target URL of the logo var logolink="http://www.weblions.com" ///this is where you put the address of where you want the link to go when someone clicks on your logo///
// 4) change the alttext variable to reflect the text used for the "alt" attribute of the image tag var alttext="The WebLions" ///the little box that pops up when your mouse is over the link. change 'The WebLions' to whatever you want it to say///
// 5) set below to either "1" or "0" ("1" fades the logo into view) Note: IE 4 specific var fadeintoview=0 ///use 1 or 0 here..I used 0 (zero) since some newer I.E. versions seem to have a problem with the fadein///
//* 6) Finally, below variable determines the duration the logo should be visible after loading, in seconds. If you'd like the logo to appear for 20 seconds, for example, enter 20. Entering a value of 0 causes the logo to be perpetually visible.
var visibleduration=0 ///I left this at 0 so the logo wont disappear///
Those six (6) changes are all you have to make to the *staticlogo.js* script. Once you're done, remember, save it as the same name, in the same place as *Java Source Files(java.,js)* or as a *Text Document* (If you're using a text editor ). Don't forget to make sure the entire name is there eg, *staticlogo.js*. It must be saved with the .js extension on the name. *Caution*,Don't mess with any of the rest of the script or it won't work!!
Ok, last step. make sure your *image* name (textimage or picture) is the same as in step 2 above (on the *staticlogo.js* page). Make sure the name of the js script on your html page is the same as the js script, in this case *staticlogo.js* and upload (1) the *staticlogo.js*, (2) the *image* or *picture* used, and (3) your *html page with the short *<script src="staticlogo.js">* and the *credit code* on it!